Spot the problem

This is a classic beginner problem in Y86 classes:

Write a program that creates a sum of all inclusive integers between X and Y, with the sum, SUM, and X and Y being global variables.

Solving this problem requires a loop, and the point of the problem is to learn loop management.

The problem is fairly trivial, but things can go wrong. Below is an example of how it went wrong for one student. Can you find the problem? If not, scroll past the program to see the answer.

   .pos 0
   init:   irmovl Stack, %esp  // Set up stack pointer
   irmovl Stack, %ebp          // Set up base pointer
   call main                   // Call main program
   halt                        // Terminate program

   main:   pushl %ebp          // Setup
   rrmovl %esp, %ebp

   pushl %ebx                  // Declare x local register
   irmovl x, %ebx      
   pushl %esi                  // Declare y local register
   irmovl y, %esi      
   pushl %eax                  // Declare sum
   irmovl sum, %eax
   pushl %edi                 //  Set a constant 1
   irmovl $1, %edi            // get the loop started

   subl %ebx, %esi            // %esi = y-x
   jl L3                      // Ends function if x greater than y

   irmovl y, %esi             // %esi = y
   addl %ebx, %eax            // sum += x
   addl %edi, %ebx            // x++
   jmp L2                     // Go to beginning of loop

   rmmovl %eax, (%eax)        // Assign value to sum 

   rrmovl %ebp, %esp          // Finished.  Perform house cleaning
   popl %ebx       
   popl %esi
   popl %edi
   popl %eax
   popl %ebp

   ret                         // Back where we belong!

   .align 4                    // Get on the boundary
   x: .long 1                  // Set X to 1
   y: .long 4                  // Set Y to 4
   sum: .long 0

   .pos 0x200
   Stack: .long 0

Do you see the problem? No? Here is a clue. Focus on IRMOVL. See it?

Ok, here it is… the program assigns the addresses of X and Y to registers instead of the appropriate values.

Let’s run the program and stop after the assignment of X.

After X

As you see (if you click on the image to zoom in,) the EBX register has been assigned x’60 as a value instead of 1.  And guess what?  x’60 is precisely the location of X.  

Let’s run the program again, this time stopping after the assignment of Y.

After Y

As you see, the ESI register has been assigned x’64 as a value instead of 4.  And guess what?  x’64 is precisely the location of Y.

Know how to fix it? No? Try using MRMOVL instead.

Now look at the assignment of SUM. Anything you would want to change here?

This is a classic mistake. The clue could be found in the X and Y values.